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6 Misconceptions About Virgin Hair
Although Virgin Hair has a lot of advantages, not everyone knows it, some people are misunderstood to virgin hair, here we come to clarify the four misunderstandings.
1.Human hair extensions are rough, dry, and smell bad. Hair can be rough, dry, and smelly. However, it’s all about the quality of the hair extensions and hair company. Instead, we are going to find the finest, most luscious strands of virgin hair and prewash them before turning them into human hair extensions. Our company's hair quality is guaranteed, selling the most perfect hair.
2.Human hair extensions are infested with lice. We will double triple check our virgin human hair to ensure lice remains a misconception. 
3.Virgin hair extensions only can be black. Although some extensions appear black, they aren’t, they can also have other colors. Human hair can be turned into every hue under the sun. 

4.Human hair extensions can’t be colored easily. The synthetic hair extension may be slightly more difficult, because they have the same properties as your own hair. But for the extension of the human hair, even ordinary people can virgin hair dyed lighter shades. 

Human hair extensions